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Protect Right Whales from Deadly Lobster Fishing Entanglements

1,301 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

4.34% Complete

Sponsor: Free The Ocean

North Atlantic right whales are dying in agony from preventable fishing gear entanglements. We have the power to end this suffering, but only if we demand action now—before it’s too late.

The North Atlantic right whale is dangerously close to extinction, with only around 350 individuals left in existence1. Every year, these gentle giants suffer needless deaths due to entanglements in fishing gear that traps and kills them slowly, through infection, starvation, or exhaustion. These deaths are preventable, but only if we act now to replace dangerous, outdated fishing methods with on-demand fishing gear.

Entanglement: A Preventable Tragedy

Fishing gear is one of the biggest threats to North Atlantic right whales. Vertical buoy ropes, the lines that keep traps tethered to the surface, are responsible for entangling these whales, leaving them unable to swim, feed, or reproduce. Over time, this gear can cut into their blubber and even bones, leading to a slow and painful death2.

While traditional fishing methods are wreaking havoc on whale populations, a solution already exists: on-demand fishing gear. This technology eliminates the need for vertical buoy ropes, using GPS and acoustic triggers to retrieve traps without leaving dangerous ropes in the water3. Not only does this prevent whale entanglements, but it allows fishermen to continue their work, ensuring that the livelihoods of coastal communities remain intact.

The Problem Isn’t Technology—It’s Adoption

The technology is ready and proven. On-demand gear has been successfully tested and used in small-scale field trials4. Yet, it isn’t being widely adopted because many fishermen can’t afford the initial cost of the new gear. Although progress is being made, with some funding to offset costs5, we need urgent action to make this gear mandatory before it’s too late for the North Atlantic right whale.

We’re at a critical juncture. Without a mandate that requires the adoption of on-demand gear, right whales will continue to die unnecessarily. Federal action is needed to accelerate adoption, provide financial support, and create a sustainable market for whale-safe seafood.

A Future Without the North Atlantic Right Whale?

Imagine an ocean where these majestic creatures no longer exist. The extinction of the North Atlantic right whale would not only be a devastating loss to biodiversity but also a tragic reflection of our failure to protect the vulnerable species with whom we share this planet. The clock is ticking, and we have no time to waste.

Every time a whale becomes entangled in fishing gear, we lose another precious life. But we can stop this, right now. By transitioning to on-demand gear, we can keep fishermen working, lobster on our plates, and whales safe in their habitats. It’s a win for everyone—especially the whales.

We Can Do Better

As stewards of this planet, it is our responsibility to act with compassion. We have the knowledge, technology, and means to prevent these senseless deaths. Now, we need the political will. Federal mandates are the only way to ensure widespread adoption of this life-saving technology before it’s too late.

It’s time for the U.S. Congress and NOAA to act. We cannot afford inaction. The future of the North Atlantic right whale depends on the steps we take today.

Take Action Now

We need your voice to push lawmakers to make on-demand fishing gear mandatory. Sign the petition today to save the North Atlantic right whale and ensure a better, more compassionate future for all.

More on this issue:

  1. IFAW (2024), "Saving North Atlantic right whales from extinction."
  2. NOAA (1 February 2024), "Whales on the Brink: Making Strides in Marine Mammal Research and Protection."
  3. IFAW (11 October 2023), "Why new fishing gear is crucial for saving whales and fishing incomes."
  4. Melissa Hobson, National Geographic (25 January 2024), "We might lose these whales for good if we don’t slow down."
  5. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (2023), "New England Gear Innovation Fund."
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The Petition:

To the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and legislators of U.S. Congress,

We, the undersigned, call upon the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the United States Congress to take immediate action to mandate the use of on-demand fishing gear in place of older methods that lead to the entanglement of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales. These magnificent creatures are on the brink of extinction, and one of the most preventable causes of their suffering and death is the use of traditional fishing gear that ensnares them in deadly vertical buoy ropes.

The current methods leave whales trapped, injured, and dying slow, painful deaths from infections, exhaustion, or starvation. We have the technology today to change this reality. On-demand fishing gear, which eliminates the need for fixed vertical lines, has proven effective at reducing the risk of these tragic entanglements while allowing fishermen to continue their work and maintain their livelihoods. It is essential that we now make this technology the industry standard.

This is not just an issue of conservation, but also one of humanity and compassion. As stewards of the planet, we must take responsibility for the harm we cause to other species, especially when viable solutions exist. The extinction of the North Atlantic right whale would be a tragic testament to our inaction and disregard for the welfare of our planet's most vulnerable inhabitants.

By mandating the use of on-demand fishing gear, we can preserve a vital species, support sustainable fishing practices, and create a future where humanity and nature coexist harmoniously. We urge NOAA and U.S. legislators to act now, before it is too late.

Your actions today can ensure a better future for our oceans, for the right whales, and for generations to come.


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