Historic Devastation: Hurricane Helene Left 500 Miles of Misery. Send Aid Now 

Signature Programs

GreaterGood's Signature Programs

At the heart of GreaterGood's mission to help people, pets, and the planet is a rich variety of effective, carefully-vetted charitable programs. Every day, when you Click to Give, play Games That Give or Trivia to Give, and shop for the cause, GreaterGood supports these efforts. Your actions have a real impact. Learn more about each of our Signature Programs below and how you can support our work even more!

Each of our Click-to-Give sites have always provided a specific donation per click, such as bowls of food on The Animal Rescue Site or acres of habitat saved on The Rainforest Site. Sometimes, however, the organizations we work with have needs outside of what the click donations are set up to support.

For example, animal rescue groups often need beds, bowls, and leashes rather than food alone. Schools need help paying teacher salaries, and students need scholarships for tuition rather than just books. Veterans groups regularly need help with housing and clothing vets, not just feeding them. Conservation groups need support to plant trees or build wildlife sanctuaries rather than protecting habitat alone.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have made it even more apparent that we needed greater flexibility around the allocation of our click donations so we could provide PPE to healthcare facilities and blankets and other supplies to Ukrainian people. Unforeseen and unpredictable events like these often play a role in determining where the greatest need is.

GreaterGood has a long history of supporting people, pets, and the planet by funding causes where our donations can have the most impact. We will continue to give the same value for each click, and now your clicks will truly go wherever they’re needed most at the time. By funding our Signature Programs, we can increase our donation flexibility and make an impact where the need is the greatest.